
Showing posts from November, 2024

The Left/Right Spectrum is Dead: Globalism’s March Toward Nuclear Apocalypse

 In the ideological ruins of the post-Soviet world, the left/right spectrum persists as a ghost, distracting us from the real antagonism that shapes our era: the globalist elites versus everyone else. Behind the sterile, centrist façade of liberalism—a veneer of reason and moderation—lurks a system driven by chaos, war, and destruction. And now, we stand at the brink of the ultimate crisis—not ecological collapse, which is a slow burn, but nuclear annihilation, the instantaneous obliteration of humanity. This is the price of a globalist imperialism that refuses to acknowledge limits and insists, against all evidence, that Vladimir Putin is bluffing. The Death of Ideology and the Rise of Crisis Management The left/right political spectrum has long since collapsed into the "centre," that mythical position that claims neutrality but operates as an engine of globalist hegemony. Liberalism, the ideology of the centre, thrives on perpetual crisis. Whether it is pandemics, financial...